Another relocation

Last modified date

Earlier this year I moved this blog from to my own hosted space at this address. That move went reasonably smoothly and the blog settled comfortably in that space as it recorded our travels in South Australia.

This week the blog moved again though that will probably be invisible to most visitors since the changes are mostly under the hood. The only change likely to be visible is that the URL is using ‘https’ rather than ‘http’ since I discovered that my hosting service allowed me to apply a security certificate. Using the ‘https’ URL will help with avoiding warnings about insecure sites.

I may make some other additions and adjustments in coming months. There might be an update about our walking in the Gold Coast hinterland and I’m thinking about incorporating some of our older travels here but I’m not sure I can do that tidily. Time will tell. Beyond that, our next major travel adventure will be 6 weeks in the USA – Alaska, Colorado, & mid-West – in September-October.
